
Stable releases of medusa are available through PyPI for Python 3 (Python 2 is not supported). To download and install the most recent stable release, install pip and run the following at the commandline:

$ pip install medusa-cobra

You can also download and install the development version of medusa via github. To do this, clone the remote github repository with:

$ git clone

When working from a cloned repository, you will need to manually install the dependencies for medusa. First install tools necessary for setting up the environment:

$ pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel

Now navigate to the directory generated by cloning (e.g. default will create a folder named “Medusa” in the location you performed git clone), then install the package requirements:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

then checkout the development branch:

$ git checkout development

the checkout command will make your local repository reflect the exact state of the remote repository’s development branch. After checking out the development branch, the last step is to setup medusa for development:

$ python develop

During usage, issues may arise with optional cobrapy dependencies that are not installed by default with medusa. For these kinds of issues, please attempt a full installation of cobrapy and consult the cobrapy installation instructions.