Introduction to Medusa

Loading an example ensemble and inspecting its parts

In medusa, ensembles of genome-scale metabolic network reconstructions (GENREs) are represented using the medusa.Ensemble class. To demonstrate the functionality and attributes of this class, we’ll, load a test ensemble. Here, we use a function that takes the E. coli core metabolism reconstruction from cobrapy and randomly removes components to generate ensemble members.

In [1]:
import medusa
from medusa.test.test_ensemble import construct_textbook_ensemble

example_ensemble = construct_textbook_ensemble()

Each Ensemble has three key attributes that specify the structure of the ensemble, which we’ll describe below. This schematic also summarizes the structure of Ensemble and how each attribute relates to cobrapy objects:

In [2]:
from IPython.display import Image
Image(filename='medusa_structure.png', width=500)

Components of an ensemble: base_model

The first is the base_model, which is a cobra.Model object that represents all the possible states of an individual member within the ensemble. Any reaction, metabolite, or gene that is only present in a subset of ensemble members will be present in the base_model for an Ensemble. You can inspect the base_model and manipulate it just like any other cobra.Model object.

In [3]:
extracted_base_model = example_ensemble.base_model
Name first_textbook
Memory address 0x07efcac754f98
Number of metabolites 72
Number of reactions 95
Objective expression 1.0*Biomass_Ecoli_core - 1.0*Biomass_Ecoli_core_reverse_2cdba
Compartments cytosol, extracellular

Components of an ensemble: members

The second attribute that each Ensemble has is a structure called members. Ensemble.members maps an identifier for each individual GENRE in the ensemble to a medusa.Member object, which holds information about a single member (where a “single member” is an individual GENRE within an ensemble).

Ensemble.members is represented by a custom class implemented in cobrapy called a DictList, which is essentially a standard dictionary in python that can also be accessed using integer indices like a list (e.g. dictlist[0] returns the first element in the dictlist).

In [4]:
# looks like a list when we print it
[<Member first_textbook at 0x7efcac983be0>,
 <Member second_textbook at 0x7efcac983ef0>]
In [5]:
# Get the first member with integer indexing
first_member = example_ensemble.members[0]

Each Member within the Ensemble.members DictList has a handful of attributes as well. You can check the ensemble that the member belongs to, the id of the member, and the network states for that member (we’ll discuss states more below).

In [6]:
{<Feature ACONTb_lower_bound at 0x7efcac761e10>: -1000.0, <Feature ACKr_lower_bound at 0x7efcac91d128>: 0.0, <Feature ACt2r_upper_bound at 0x7efcac91db38>: 1000.0, <Feature ACt2r_lower_bound at 0x7efcac91dd68>: -1000.0, <Feature ACKr_upper_bound at 0x7efcac91d668>: 0.0, <Feature ACALDt_upper_bound at 0x7efcac91d198>: 0.0, <Feature ACALDt_lower_bound at 0x7efcac91d390>: 0.0, <Feature ACONTb_upper_bound at 0x7efcac91def0>: 1000.0}

Components of an ensemble: features

The states printed above are directly connected to the third attribute that Ensemble contains, Ensemble.features, which is also a DictList object. Ensemble.features contains medusa.Feature entries, which specify the components of the Ensemble.base_model that vary across the entire ensemble.

In [7]:
[<Feature ACALDt_lower_bound at 0x7efcac91d390>,
 <Feature ACALDt_upper_bound at 0x7efcac91d198>,
 <Feature ACKr_lower_bound at 0x7efcac91d128>,
 <Feature ACKr_upper_bound at 0x7efcac91d668>,
 <Feature ACONTb_lower_bound at 0x7efcac761e10>,
 <Feature ACONTb_upper_bound at 0x7efcac91def0>,
 <Feature ACt2r_lower_bound at 0x7efcac91dd68>,
 <Feature ACt2r_upper_bound at 0x7efcac91db38>]

Here, we see that this Ensemble has 8 features. Each Feature object specifies a network component that has a variable parameter value in at least one member of the ensemble (e.g. at least one ensemble member is missing the reaction).

In this case, there are features for 4 reactions, ACALDt,ACKr,ACONTb, and ACt2r. There are two Feature objects for each reaction, corresponding to the lower and upper bound for that reaction. A feature will be generated for any component of a cobra.Model (e.g. Reaction, Gene) that has an attribute value (e.g. Reaction.lower_bound, Reaction.gene_reaction_rule) that varies across the ensemble. As you can see from this result, a feature is created at the level of the specific attribute that varies, not the model component (e.g. we created a Feature for each bound of each Reaction, not for the Reaction objects themselves).

This information can be inferred from feature ID (, but each Feature also has a set of attributes that encode the information. Some useful attributes, described in the order printed below: getting the Ensemble that the Feature belongs to, the component in the Ensemble.base_model that the Feature describes, the attribute of the component in the Ensemble.base_model whose value the Feature specifies, and the ID of the Feature:

In [8]:
first_feature = example_ensemble.features[0]
ACALDt: acald_e <=> acald_c

Just as each member has an attribute, states, that returns the value of every feature for that member, each feature has a states dictionary that maps each to the value of the feature in the corresponding member, e.g.:

In [9]:
{'second_textbook': -1000.0, 'first_textbook': 0.0}

Strategies for getting information about an ensemble and its members

Where possible, we use conventions from cobrapy for accessing information about attributes. In cobrapy, the Model object has multiple containers in the form of DictLists: Model.reactions,Model.metabolites,Model.genes. Equivalently in medusa, each Ensemble has similarly constructed containers: Ensemble.members and Ensemble.features.

As such, information about specific Member and Feature objects can be accessed just like Reaction, Metabolite, and Gene objects in cobrapy:

In [10]:
# Remember, our Ensemble holds a normal cobrapy Model in base_model
extracted_base_model = example_ensemble.base_model
# Accessing object by id is common in cobrapy
rxn = extracted_base_model.reactions.get_by_id('ACALDt')
# We can do the same thing for features:
feat = example_ensemble.features.get_by_id('ACALDt_lower_bound')

# And for members:
memb = example_ensemble.members.get_by_id('first_textbook')
print('\nHere are the states for this member:')
ACALDt: acald_e <=> acald_c
ACALDt: acald_e <=> acald_c

Here are the states for this member:
{<Feature ACONTb_lower_bound at 0x7efcac761e10>: -1000.0, <Feature ACKr_lower_bound at 0x7efcac91d128>: 0.0, <Feature ACt2r_upper_bound at 0x7efcac91db38>: 1000.0, <Feature ACt2r_lower_bound at 0x7efcac91dd68>: -1000.0, <Feature ACKr_upper_bound at 0x7efcac91d668>: 0.0, <Feature ACALDt_upper_bound at 0x7efcac91d198>: 0.0, <Feature ACALDt_lower_bound at 0x7efcac91d390>: 0.0, <Feature ACONTb_upper_bound at 0x7efcac91def0>: 1000.0}

These DictList objects are all iterables, meaning that any python operation that acts on an iterable can take them as input. This is often convenient when working with either cobrapy Models or medusa Ensembles. For example, suppose we are interested in getting the list of all components described by features in the Ensemble:

In [11]:
components = []
for feat in example_ensemble.features:


# or, use the one-liner which gives the same result:
components = [feat.base_component for feat in example_ensemble.features]

[<Reaction ACALDt at 0x7efcac66f0b8>, <Reaction ACALDt at 0x7efcac66f0b8>, <Reaction ACKr at 0x7efcac66f128>, <Reaction ACKr at 0x7efcac66f128>, <Reaction ACONTb at 0x7efcac758b00>, <Reaction ACONTb at 0x7efcac758b00>, <Reaction ACt2r at 0x7efcac7587f0>, <Reaction ACt2r at 0x7efcac7587f0>]
[<Reaction ACALDt at 0x7efcac66f0b8>, <Reaction ACALDt at 0x7efcac66f0b8>, <Reaction ACKr at 0x7efcac66f128>, <Reaction ACKr at 0x7efcac66f128>, <Reaction ACONTb at 0x7efcac758b00>, <Reaction ACONTb at 0x7efcac758b00>, <Reaction ACt2r at 0x7efcac7587f0>, <Reaction ACt2r at 0x7efcac7587f0>]